It is specially designed for people who want to learn this map with the effect designed by TOPGOLD
Note that if you want to learn this map, you must have worked at the Advanced Volume level and create a 6.7-dimensional fan, and you should not have a problem with isolating and distinguishing layers.
What results will you get after the workshop?
Wispy map
Fan making related to this map
Method of work execution
Online mentoring for three months to solve student problems
Single maps training does not include a pamphlet, and if you want to have Topgold knowledge with us, you can buy it in the pamphlet or Topgold knowledge section.
What do you learn
• Familiarity with eyelash extension work tools and the efficiency of important equipment
• Advice and important tasks before customer service
• Types of possible diseases at work
• Post-work care
• Different fanning methods
• Different types of eyes and standard maps of each eye
• Correct installation method for uniform density
• Correct straight line methods at the base of eyelash extensions
• Isolation method
• Business training and customer satisfaction methods
• Model photography training
TOPGOLD booklet
Basic assistant sheet
Successful business training
Live model
Model photography training
Class reception
Mentoring after the workshop
To sign- up please click on the button
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For more information or any questions send us email or direct to Instagram
info@topgoldacademy.com | @topgold_lashes